Green Acres Riding School Green Acres Riding School Green Acres Riding School Green Acres Riding School Green Acres Riding School

What our riders have to say

"Thank you Izak for everything that you do for Lorelai. Her favourite day of the week is when she can ride on Katryn's back" - Charlotte Nortje

"Green Acres rock!!!" - May Fox

"Thank you uncle Izak, it’s nice to be part of the Blou Masjien!!" - Delina Pretorius

"Best Riding School!" - Deirdre Mellett

"The Blou Masjien…proud to belong to the club" - Chantel Sieckers

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Contact Us
Our details


Tel: 083 453 2343


Physical Address:
Green Acres Farm
Botfontein Road

For directions, please click the map on your right


Online Enquiries
Application Form

Please complete the form below to apply for a lesson. Fields indicated in bold letters are required.
First Name Surname
Initials Birthdate

Postal Address

Physical Address
Home phone nr

Work phone nr

Cell number Email Address
Amount of Lessons per month Commencement date
Time of lesson Lesson date
What colour is the sky? (blue)

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please answer the question above.

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